“Iconography in Crete 13th – 18th century”, Agios Rokkos, August 26-30
Hagiography is not just an Art…
The hagiographic image does not aim at a realistic representation of persons or subjects, but primarily has a spiritual semiology since through it a relationship of life with God and His Saints can be achieved.
We are a group that love iconography and at the same time respect the laws and rules that surround it, the so-called THEOLOGY of the icon!
Everything on the image has its symbolism and its meaning and we do not create anything by chance but based on specific iconographic types that we inherited from the Fathers of our Orthodox tradition and the great hagiographers who created the famous Cretan School of hagiography during the Renaissance and they developed a special common style of icon painting influenced by both Eastern and Western influences (Enetocretic School).
Through our works we will take you on a journey from the Palaeologian Renaissance, the last period of the Byzantine Empire and (flourishing of the Cretan School) from the 13th to the 15th century, a period characterized by the power of design, the conquest of the third dimension (depth) and the richness of the colors and at the same time we will see its evolution until the Post-Byzantine period from the fall of the city in 1453 to 1821.
We will also selectively see some works from the Early Christian period, the Eptanesian School and the Novgorod School.
Yours sincerely!
The artists participating in the exhibition are: Panoraia Vatsaki, Niki Giannikou, Menelaos Kourkouvelas, Fotini Mavrommati, Ilias Papaderakis!
Exhibition opening :
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Time: 18.30 pm
Exposure Time:
Saturday 26 August 2023 until Wednesday 30 August 2023
Exhibition Opening Hours:
10.00-13.00 & 18.30-23.00
Source: www.chania-culture.gr